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Artists Against MND reaches 30 artists in 3 months

We are delighted to announce that Artists Against MND now has 30 artists as part the movement. When Stuart Bates MBE conceived the idea, he and Richard could only dream of the enthusiasm and generosity of the artists involved.

Stuart and Richard have been humbled by the generosity of time, spirit and sense of community that the art world has shown since the inception of Artists Against MND. They truly believe that together they will all bring the reality of a cure that little step closer.

Stuart said, “We have so many exciting plans for Artists Against MND, including the Oxford Artists Against MND exhibition in late 2024. I am an art lover and find that artists have a unique perspective on life and wish to make a difference. It has been humbling to work with these artists and we already have many strong friendships. I am setting no limitations on where Artists Against MND may progress to in the future. It is gratifying to know that these artists will advance us in the search for a cure for MND”.

Richard said, “The Artists Against MND movement has already exceeded our expectations. We have met some of the kindest people, and the standard of art has often left us speechless. Some artists have been touched by MND, and Sarah Ezekiel has MND. Rather than defining Sarah, it has driven her exceptional and unique art. What has also touched us is the support from those who previously had little awareness of MND, yet have got equally behind the cause.”

Stuart and Richard wish to convert the kind donations of art into investment in research. Equally important is promoting artists. This is not the primary driver of those supporting us, however we feel a duty to support both established and emerging artists. We thank every one of the artists for their support. It is a joy to be involved in this powerful movement.